*SPRINGTAILS* Lepidocyrtus fimicolus "24K" springtails *EXCELLENT ARID SPRINGTAIL*
*SPRINGTAILS* Lepidocyrtus fimicolus "24K" springtails *EXCELLENT ARID SPRINGTAIL*
If your temperature is under 40F or above 80F, box must be held for pick up for live arrival guarantee. Even if you will be home to receive the package, these are live animals and cannot survive extreme temperatures in a hot or cold delivery vehicle all day. Live arrival guaranteed for the count purchased. It does not include any extras that may be sent. Please read full shipping policy.
Hold for pick up can be requested by typing HOLD in text box below the "quantity" button. Your order will be held for pick up at your local post office.
Check out our natural decor - seed pods, leaf litter, moss, and other botanicals and bioactive natural decor ship free with CUCs, isopods, and springtails.
One of our favorite springtails for bioactive enclosures and isopod bins. These are a smaller species that spends more time in the soil than on the surface, but they reproduce well once established, and they can tolerate dry environments. Upon magnification they are iridescent. 24K can tolerate drier conditions. You will not regret adding some 24K to your isopod bin or bioactive. This is an 8oz. culture on a soil substrate that contains 50+ springtails. Very limited quantities available.
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I received a culture of springtails that looked pretty inactive, but I buried it anyway to see what would happen. I was in contact with Sara the whole time and once it appeared that the first culture didn't take off, she sent me a replacement, no questions asked. Amazing service! The new culture is getting established and doing great.